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Rain's Storm [Bookmark] [Copy] [RSS] Raindrops keep falling on my head; the blues they send to meet me won't defeat me, it won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me



Guardians' Pixie Postings' active user' 


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  • Have you guys heard of the police lip sync challenge? if you get a chance look them up, they are great, some are funny some are happy, some are really cool :) Reply
  • Hello my friends :) Independence Day, the 4th of July is here in the U.S.! Go out, have fun and enjoy the fireworks light shows   Reply
  • Blue Moon to light up sky ahead of Easter tomorrow! Go out there early morning and watch the great celestial viewing my friends <3 Reply
  • Very sad sad news  today: More than 140 short-finned pilot whales died after a mass stranding on a beach in Western Australia on Friday.   Reply
  • St. Patrick's Day "Feast day of Saint Patrick, commemoration of the arrival of Christianity in Ireland". Also wear green & pinch someone who isn't hahaha! <3 Reply
  • Stephen Hawking, the brilliant British theoretical physicist was also a cosmologist, astronomer, mathematician and author of numerous books. Also discovered that black holes were not completely bla... Reply
  • Today was National School Walkout. It's sad that students have to worry about weapons in's also a shame that there is this problem of weapons in schools. Reply
  • Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π. It's observed on March 14 since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant digits of π when represented in base 10 Reply
  • Women's Rights and International Peace. International Women's Day/Women's Day is annually held on March 8 to celebrate women's achievements throughout history and across nations. Celebrate ladies :) Reply
  • hey hey my friends <3. Hope your weekend was awesome! Mine was in pain    but enough about me. Tell me what you did this weekend? Reply
  • <3 <3 Woohoo! 2 new badges!! Fairy Active and Online 100th badges!! I am bursting!  Reply
  • Hi, my friends <3 This weekend is a long weekend as we celebrate President's Day Monday. Remember all countries and ask for blessings. Stay safe and do something FUN Reply
  • Happy Valentine's Day, my friends, hope you all have a great day   Reply
  • Saturday night, went to a party where they had lanterns we lit and released them to the sky, it was so pretty to see..some of then went to the ground but as they filled with air they went back up Reply
  • What a Game! Was great! And the food, yums!  Always a great time is had :) Have a fabulous week! Reply
  • websitehttp://
  • HobbiesHobbies? hmm, lets see, just to name a few... playing games, a good mystery book to read, also I design and create jewelry. There is more but that's all I will reveal for now :)
  • GenderFemale
  • TalentCricket whistling talent

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St. Jerome 2018-07-22
Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best. 
(1132) Views|(0) Comments
Og Mandino 2018-07-22
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. 
(1110) Views|(0) Comments
Hubert H. Humphrey 2018-07-02
The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love. 
(1118) Views|(0) Comments
Zelda Fitzgerald 2018-07-02
Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold. 
(1169) Views|(0) Comments
Emily Dickinson 2018-07-02
Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul - and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all. 
(1159) Views|(0) Comments
Leonardo da Vinci 2018-06-01
Medicine is the restoration of discordant elements; sickness is the discord of the elements infused into the living body. 
(1140) Views|(1) Comments

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Pandora 2018-7-16 22:08
Hey Sis! <3
zoealexak 2018-7-6 16:02
rain: I love your music!
windmuddle 2018-6-26 00:44
Hi Jenna, its mark here, i like your page and all the quotes
Pandora 2018-6-23 20:09
Here is a good quote Sis: Hope is a thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all ~ Emily Dickinson <3 Love Ya!
Pandora 2018-6-16 13:02
Hey Hey Hey! Happy Saturday! I'm dancing on your Page!    YAY!
Pandora 2018-5-20 12:41
Good Morning Sis! Your page IS so FUN! Love your quotes. Timeless jewels of inspiration and wisdom. Thank You for sharing and being You! All my Love Always, Pan. <3
inkyfairy 2018-4-17 00:58
Your page is so fun!!
inkyfairy 2018-4-17 00:58
rain: Hi! I agree with everyone else :) I love your page!
Aww! Thank you!
Pandora 2018-4-16 22:25
rain: My dear sweet Sis, I am so happy to have you in my life. I thank you for your support always :) <3
Aww make me cry    You are Sweet!
Pandora 2018-4-14 12:07
Stopping to remind you how Awesome YOU Are! <3
MoonChildPotter 2018-4-6 20:43
rain: Awesome page Rosey!
Thank you muchly!
~ XO Rosey
MoonChildPotter 2018-4-4 20:47
Splastacular page!
~ XO Rosey
MidnightEscape 2018-4-1 13:39
rain: hey :) thanks! I love yours and BTS!!
MidnightEscape 2018-3-30 18:57
Nice page!
ChaseMcCain 2018-3-7 00:41
it was nice meeting u 2
Pandora 2018-2-24 12:42
Love these inspirational Quotes Sis! Thank You for Sharing <3
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