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  • DescriptionHi I'm Sapphire Glitterwish :D Welcome to my Fairyabc page! I make pixie hollow videos! And I will always love pixie hollow!
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  • HobbiesGaming, Reading,Taking care of animals, swimming, cosplay, everything Hamilton :D Finger Knitting, playing with my cat,
    flying with pixie pals in the hollow, Making new outfits! Also New Cosplays! And of course making videos!!
  • GenderFemale
  • TalentWater talent

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Updated Nov 2020 link to subscribe to my youtube channel 2020-11-08  My old links were very outdated so here is a fresh link Clicki ...
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Link to my Fairy Facebook Page and Youtube Channel 2017-09-16  Not sure why my Youtube link still has my old u ...
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wavesup 2024-9-9 00:56
SapphireGlitter: Acorn! It's been forever! I hope you are well!
Sapphire! Miss you so much <33
BlueHiraeth 2024-7-5 05:44
SapphireGlitter: Hi Abby! I missed you!
Whisper 2024-6-20 20:55
Your page is wonderful. I have noticed the servers do not allow many people to get into pixie Hollow. I would love to be able to meet more fairies but with only one player admitted or three players admitted, it is very difficult. Would you be able to tell me how to get into the Hollow?     Whisper, AKA Quicksilver Cloudshimmer, Founding Fairy
SapphireGlitter 2024-3-10 20:54
Aw no worries Scout! I'm glad everything turned out ok!
Fungirl99000 2024-3-10 02:35
SapphireGlitter: Yeah I'm the same way, I tend to take long breaks but something about pixie hollow always beings me back. I'm glad that we will always have Fairyabc t ...
Me too, I don't think I'd ever be able to just abandon this site even if I really wanted to, especially since it had such a big impact on my childhood
Jeocalix-Inminf 2024-3-7 22:17
SapphireGlitter: Hi Scout! Welcome back to the hollow!
Thanks! God bless you!
Fungirl99000 2024-2-26 22:56
SapphireGlitter: I'm doing better! I have not played in so long it is so nice to be back in pixie hollow!
That's good, I'm glad you're back! I haven't really been around here much except to lurk in my pms or something. I really wanna get back into it too though, I miss pixie hollow and all the memories I had on this forum  
Fungirl99000 2024-2-22 04:34
SapphireGlitter: Hi! It has been a while. How are things?
Hii long time no see! Things have been going alright, thanks for asking :) How about you?
TheCuriousSeed 2024-2-18 12:09
SapphireGlitter: Hi Curious! I saw someone in summit style but I did not know it was you lol It's been to long I have to learn everyone's fairy/sparrowmen names again  ...
In 2.0, I flew in as Ginkgo Silkmuse.
MoonChildPotter 2024-2-17 19:15
I'm slow. Just saw your message girly. Always here to listen :). Keep flying strong my friend!
TheCuriousSeed 2024-2-14 21:08
SapphireGlitter: Hi! Missed you!
Hi, Sapphire! I saw you a bit earlier at Summit Style on 2.0!
SapphireGlitter 2024-2-12 18:32
Thank you for your kind words Moon it means the world to me. Much love and Pixie Hugs!
MoonChildPotter 2024-2-6 22:03
SapphireGlitter: Hi Moon! It's so nice to hear from you again! Things...have not been going well it's a long story and I don't want to get into it, But I'm trying to g ...
I'm very sorry to hear you're having such a rough moments. I'm here if you ever wanna talk.
I so get FairyABC is your happy place!! (:
MoonChildPotter 2024-2-3 17:47
Hey my friend! I saw you were logged in the other day and just wanting to say you're missed. Hope you're well!
KaiKim 2023-1-28 21:35
SapphireGlitter: Hi my friend! Thank you! I just made a few more outfits and cosplays. I just came back from a long break a little while ago, I'm sorry I did not reply ...
No worries! Thats totally okay!    Can't wait to see them!
KaiKim 2022-10-5 02:40
Your style is fantastic and amazing! I hope to see more of your awesome outfits soon! ^-^  
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