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Jade [Bookmark] [Copy] [RSS] Simple

  • K-Dramas are taking over my life. I can't stop watching them! Reply
  • Okay, so today I woke up at 5pm, after going to bed at 8am. My brain needs help   Reply
  • Woke up from a 3 hour nap    What a way to spend the day! Reply
Hi, I'm Jade. 2017-05-30
Hi Everyone! This is just going to be a very, VERY, very short introduction. I love frozen yogurt. If I could eat it all the time without getting fat ...
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Dresses24 2017-7-30 20:39
limphia: I love all of this
omg awww ahh tysm <333
pearlcuteshine 2017-7-20 06:19
limphia: That is too true. I'm dreading the readjustment phase
Same :(
LabsNotDabs✨ 2017-7-20 01:41
limphia: I love this page
Thank you!
LabsNotDabs✨ 2017-7-11 12:15
limphia: Thanks :D I like your username xD
Why, thank you. ^^
pearlcuteshine 2017-7-11 11:26
Cuteee page also it seems we both have messed up our sleep.
LabsNotDabs✨ 2017-7-8 14:16
Cute page! c:
Historia 2017-7-4 02:52
limphia: Hello! :D
Followyour❤ 2017-6-29 12:25
limphia: Hey :D
sunny 2017-6-14 14:40
limphia: Hello!
hi there!
Lavender-Marie 2017-6-11 20:05
limphia: I agree with Pearl, this page is so pretty!
Thanks :)
Memm 2017-6-11 04:19
limphia: xD I can hardly keep up with 2, you must have a lot of fun
Noo its rlly tiring to go through all of the notifications  
shootingstar 2017-6-10 08:28
limphia: Hey :D How are you?
I'm good! How are you? :)
Memm 2017-6-10 04:35
limphia: Hey :D How's it going?
HEY! and I'm fine, just replying my 13 notification XDD
Lavender-Marie 2017-6-9 23:14
limphia: I'm good, chillin
I'm cooking up something fun. You can PM me if you want to know more :P
Lavender-Marie 2017-6-9 22:51
limphia: Heeeeeeeyy :D How's it going?
I'm pretty good, how about you?
Pumpkin 2017-6-9 22:23
limphia: Hey there! How's it going?
Hi, I am great. I hope to fly with you sometimes.
Rhodon 2017-6-7 23:32
limphia: This page is so creative!
Thank you so much! That means a lot to me. <3
Dresses24 2017-6-5 22:29
limphia: I took a nap and woke up around 7pm   
omg sameeeeee so relatablee
GwynPixieHollow 2017-6-5 11:36
limphia: I spent a good amount of time just scrolling up and down haha! I love this page!
Haha thanks! The drawing in the middle was actually a thing I drew a few months back and it worked well with the color scheme so I was like "yeah that works".
Dresses24 2017-6-4 20:15
limphia: Same, I think I wasted my day lol
omg that is me every day haha
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