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  • Hey it's been a really long time since I've posted here. I kinda did quit, but I decided to check in today, so hey everybody! How's it been around here lately? Reply
  • Man, I've been really inactive lately. Still never quit! Just letting you guys all know that. Reply
  • I really want that Winnie the Pooh buddy! He's my favorite thing ever! But I don't have the coins. I'm very upset.  Reply
  • Let's see, who is still around on the forums now? Me, check, Lav, check. I can't come up with anyone else. Who all is even here anymore? Reply
  • Like, who here would even care if I left? That's the scariest part for me. The ones I thought might are gone now. Who is left? Reply
  • I haven't seen this many people quitting all at once since the Pixie Police drama. Tell me it isn't this again. Reply
  • Who's even left anymore? Me? Mel? Cat? Kt? Torrine? HappyDerp? Anastasia-Lock? Pearl? Vi? Faye? Lav? Who on this list is staying? I know for literally none of them. Reply
  • Why does it seem like everyone is quitting? What happened at the Never Council meeting? Everyone that has quit so far was at it. I'll just have to hope that I'm not pushed to the same place they were Reply
  • We're a week away from one year of these forum's and I'm still not a minister? That's an achievement I wish didn't happen, but I also knew was coming. Reply
  • We're almost to the year anniversary of the forums! I remember when they're was hardly anyone here, and seeing it now is amazing. Reply
  • I made it to 500 visitors! I'm not sure who was the 500th, I personally think it was Kt-Kat, but I'm glad I got there! Onto the next milestone! Reply
  • I'm so close! Only two more! I'm very excited! It makes me so glad to see I'm close to a milestone on page visitors! Even though many are getting 1000 now, I'm glad to be getting to 500 Reply
  • DescriptionI'm just you're average weird kid that doesn't know what they're doing most of the time!
  • websitehttp://
  • HobbiesIDEK anymore
  • GenderMale
  • TalentActing talent

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anastasia-lock 2018-9-2 12:00
Babydaisylover: Hey sorry that it's been another forever since you sent me this but I felt like checking in today so I finally saw it. I haven't been very interested  ...
Honestly same, fairyabc used to be lit but uh it's alright now i guess, i don't really come in-game anymore, it's just boring for me now.
anastasia-lock 2018-7-5 19:56
Babydaisylover: Hey! Sorry that it's been so long since you posted this, but hey!
Ahahah it's totally fine, oof where you been, i haven't seen you in forever.
anastasia-lock 2018-6-6 17:57
YO <3
zoealexak 2018-5-15 21:16
Omg I love Marina and the Diamonds! Guess what? I'm not a robot, a robot <3
donkeyollie2004 2018-2-16 10:32
i keep forgetting who u are in-game lol
donkeyollie2004 2018-2-7 12:20
LabsNotDabs✨ 2017-11-6 21:44
Babydaisylover: Are you still here?
PixieDelRey 2017-11-1 15:12
Babydaisylover: OF COURSE!

did we just become best friends?
PixieDelRey 2017-10-31 16:23
also- happy halloween!
PixieDelRey 2017-10-31 16:23
omggg marina and the diamonds dskjfkdsf are you a fan of her???
secretofmywings 2017-10-9 18:59
that's my favorite marina and the diamonds song <3
Lavender-Marie 2017-9-17 02:28
Welcome to the mod team <3
Villiana 2017-9-6 15:20
Babydaisylover: You're staying, right?
I think so, for now, not sure though.
catcatherine 2017-9-6 08:21
Babydaisylover: Are you staying? I feel like it's only me and Lav staying now...
Eh idk
pearlcuteshine 2017-9-6 01:01
Babydaisylover: Pearl! I'll miss you!
awww i'll miss u too <3
Morgana 2017-9-5 02:23
Babydaisylover: You too?
Yep. Just getting my affairs in order and then I'm gone.
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