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arianator3942's perfectly purp ... [Bookmark] [Copy] [RSS] The page of a purple loving Ariana Grande fan
tunes for all ears
  • I am making a cosplay album just for AG cosplays. from now on I'll put those there. Currently i gotta sacrifice some pics ( in ag pics case i got them most if not all saved on my computer) Reply
  • if you come by my cosplay album, and notice many gone, especially the AG ones, it is because i am removing them to get mroe attatchment space, however... Reply
  • Upcoming album, I'm still gonna put my ariana grande cosplays in my current cosplay album as well, but since I adore her so much, I am making a seperate cosplay album just for AG cosplays :) Reply
  • updated my music to christmas music ( ariana grande and pentatonix) Reply
  • I just realized tommorow is my arrival day! I will officially have been a fairyabc member for 1 year Reply
  • I am a minister now. Wow time flies Reply
  • I just reorganized my youtube channel yesterday. Reply
  • wooohoo over 1000 views on my page. Thank y'all so much Reply
  • my birthday is tommorow!! whoo hoo Reply
  • It's always sad to me when someone get's banned, but even more sad when that fairy is one you consider a best friend. that's all im gonna say on it here. Reply
  • I just realized Rose (aka navaya) and I have been fairy twins for 103 days now!. Reply
  • just bought some disney fairy figurines on ebay to replace the ones my dogs chewed up a few years ago. I may be an adult, but that doesnt mean i dont like fairy dolls ( i can collect them) Reply
  • Yay Im a talent master now!! Reply
  • in general i do like spring, except for one part of it. Spring when stinging bugs come back out and im horrified of them ( ironic since im animal fairy) other than that im excited for spring Reply
  • I only need 62 more credits till i become a talent master :) Reply

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SapphireGlitter 2021-2-1 15:23
Hi! It's your friend Sapphire! Just thinking about you and I hope that you are having a nice day!
Disneyisbae 2020-12-13 23:38
I miss you! :(
arianator3942 2019-4-14 16:09
thanks and yes . maybe we can do a partner cosplay  together sometime
SapphireGlitter 2019-4-14 11:10
Hi arianator3942! Its Sapphire Glitterwish! I love your cosplays! I used to make a lot of outfits before that weird glitch started happening! Hopefully the mods will fix it! Because it was so fun making new outfits and posting them to my album... i have pretty much stopped playing fairyabc because i cant share my outfits anymore... though i check back everyday to see if it has been fixed! Can we be friends? I also rated the first page of your cosplays! It would be great to be friends with anothe ... ...
Blue_Hiraeth 2019-2-19 04:16
arianator3942 : could you tell me what your tabs above your profile say in english please? Hey Robin! Actually all of the words are either English or don't have an English counterpart. I have some of the definitions in bold throughout the description on my page and if you Google any of the words, their meanings will pop up pretty easily :) Querencia is my page link, Selcouth is my activity feed, Minutiae links to my activity posts, Serendipty is my blog, Soigné is my pictures, Ikigai is my ... ...
rosesnsunshine 2019-1-11 23:42
arianator3942: thank you very much. soon it will be 140
Excited to see it!
rosesnsunshine 2019-1-11 21:21
139 cosplays?!?! Wow, just wow. You're amazing Robin!
DelicateDeer 2019-1-1 23:15
Loving your new icon!! Tangled's my favorite Disney Princess movie! Good taste~ ♥ ♥
Jeocalix-Inminf 2018-12-25 05:26
Merry Christmas!
ChaseMcCain 2018-11-28 17:48
Cool page, Brickulator!
Arrietty 2018-11-26 15:17
I love the Christmas music! It sure feels cold enough to be that time of year so it works for me~
arianator3942 2018-11-18 21:19
Even though thanksgiving hasn't happened yet, I updated my music box to have christmas music due to the fact early december is when finals start.
RaeCollins 2018-11-9 10:47
Happy Arrival Day, Robin!
mooneye 2018-11-4 03:12
hiya, thanks for sending me a friend request!! nice to meet you, I'm Nik <3 your profile is super cute!
Crystal2780!! 2018-10-22 21:03

Happy birthday crystal
Thank you, Robin!!
DelicateDeer 2018-10-20 11:17
Omg you managed to put Breathin in your playlist!! Such a good song, I can't wait for the music video~ ♪ ♥
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minister' Guardians' 


Visitors: 2353

arianator forever
  • DescriptionHi I'm arianator3942, aka Robin aka charlotte on 2.0. Also I adore Ariana Grande. That's why my username is arianator3942.
  • website
  • HobbiesTheater, singing, knitting, hand bells, cup song, handbells,
    sims 4 game
    talents: Animal talent, cup song, singing, acting, knitting, camoflauge
  • GenderFemale
  • TalentAnimal talent

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