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Roses in the starry night sky [Bookmark] [Copy] [RSS]

Sarcastic,, Shy, Friendly, Sassy, Clueless, Childish and maybe Socially Awkward.
  • DescriptionHey, Welcome to my space everyone!
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  • HobbiesSwimming, Singing, Watching tv, Cosplaying, Playing video games, fishing on minecraft and ff15
  • Gendersecret
  • TalentSummoning talent

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My favorite colors
Blue, Red, and Black.
My favorite shows and movies
Shows: R.W.B.Y, Stranger Things, Agents of Shield, Merlin, H2o Just Add Water, The Mandalorian, Psych, Ghost Hunt, Naruto, Wizards of Waverly Place.

Movie: Frozen 2
Custom block 2
Custom block 5

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TheCuriousSeed 2021-8-31 13:45
I see stars, roses and the cosmos here. Quite relaxing paired with soothing music, if you ask me.
MoonChildPotter 2019-1-17 22:26
Woo hoo! Way to go on reaching Minister!
~ XO Moon
Jeocalix-Inminf 2019-1-1 03:57
Happy new year!
God bless you!
PearlSnow 2018-12-2 12:00
Rosesandstars8: hi pearl pretty page!
Thank you! So sorry for the late reply XD
GoldenFlower 2018-11-28 20:13
Rosesandstars8: Roses!
ChaseMcCain 2018-11-28 17:48
Cool page, Brickulator!
Arrietty 2018-11-25 21:53
Okay the rainbow effect thingy you have on your page is officially the coolest thing ever. ♥
MiaSugarglow 2018-9-25 16:58
Rosesandstars8: Ty for rating my images!
MiaSugarglow 2018-9-21 14:32
Thank you for rating my photos! I really appreciate it!  
Twilaa 2018-9-1 19:05
Rosesandstars8: Pretty
Thank you Olivia! <3
Sabrinaandove❤ 2018-8-31 15:50
Rosesandstars8: Thanks! You watch Naruto to?
Sabrinaandove❤ 2018-8-31 15:15
Your page is beautiful!!
Pumpkin 2018-8-9 14:11
Nice wallpaper.
WinterSparkle 2018-8-4 21:34
The rainbow you have is so cool! I love the Wizards of Waverly Place and H2o Just Add Water! I remember I used to watch those shows with my sisters when i was younger
♪HimariYume♪ 2018-7-28 19:09
Your space is so pretty! Sparkly! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
DelicateDeer 2018-7-14 10:58
That Ruby Rose icon  
I used to love that show! I'm super behind, I only got up to half of Volume 3
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