Welcome to yet another poem that has an interesting set-up.

Over the course of visiting this site
Many a poem I did write
Limericks in which I'm most keen,
Then haiku in syllables seventeen
Which sometimes I find a delight.
I've grown so accustomed to these poems written
I could even try drawing on a mitten
A verse or nine
With the words that intertwine
Perhaps by the poetry bug I was bitten?
And to think, I can't even recall
Every last poem I wrote
But I don't consider it a futile fall
Even if additional research I must note.
I decided to
Try my hand at a poem
That won't always rhyme
No structure noted
Some limericks, some haiku
Some other proses
Garlands I oft write
Be they haiku or in rhyme
Even otherwise
Yes, there are poems that don't always rhyme
But why deem a rhymless poem unworthy of the time?
But not just in haiku
Do we find ourselves rhymeless
Other types of poetry too
Can be painted timeless
I for one can't claim to be the first
Nor can I claim an insatiable thirst
To explore
In poetry once again more
But I've read poems that were not the worst.
Thus is the end of this little poem
And what a time I should write
In this sea
Of creativity
Writing skills, sometimes fun to show 'em
And sometimes to read them yourself is a delight.

Hope you enjoyed this poem.