Welcome back! I've been playing 2.0 (or rather, what I now refer to as 2.whatever or currently known as 2.21) for--discounting the first 82 days I had this account because I had trouble logging in--about a year and a half and so far the best updates I knew were the last one with loads of custom meadows and about three updates ago, the last before the WebGL 2 exclusivity. 2.21 has sittibg and wing animations and new outfits, but you're once again locked in a standing straight position, only six of the 29 faces have eye colours, only 47 wing options remain (actually now looks like 46 because one is glitched to an original pair), any [new] clothes you save in your inventory disappear if you log out, then back in except what you're wearing and you can forget about a custom home or furniture anymore. Anything improves in 2.21 or whatever's after, we'll let you know.