Left to right are Pearl Waterjewel, Water Talent, not in the game because, tech issues, Strawberry Lightlocks, Music Taleny minus singing and whistling, Hickory Lightningglow, Weather Talent, but brontophobic, among other phobias, Saffron Brightwillow, Musical Seamstress, makes up many times over for Strawberry's missing musical prowess with her singing and whistling and is also now learning the piano, Silver Winterjewel, Winter Talent and elder sister of Pearl Waterjewel. Except the fairies themselves, I drew the setup myself and even added Hickory's left arm and hand minus the snowflakes as well as her right arm being edited so the cloud was under that arm. As for the piano, that's at least a 32 key piano the five fairies are playing and yes, the white specs coming from Silver's right hand are snow falling.