Sapphire has a point there, but do remember, we only have 47 wings to choose from at the moment, almost 1/5 the wings we had before. Also, only the anime faces you can choose an eye colour with anymore; try with the 23 classic faces and you'll just either end up with eyes matching your skin colour or white irises. Oh, and if you're playing on an older browser that only supports WebGL 1, 2.0 won't work on that browser. Although we can recolour our clothes before buying, be careful as clicking on colours that hover above the clothing options usually causes you to click a different outfit, plus be especially careful with the shoes as tey tend to disappear from your inventory after leaving the store. I know it sounds like a long complaint, but that glitch you found is not the only one to exist. Here's hoping the game will at least double our current wing options and give our eye colour options back.