
I am getting asked a bit about how I was able to decorate my home, so I thought I would post some tips that maybe helped me in some ways.
I'm not exactly sure why I got lucky after so many failed attempts, but here are my tricks.
~ I only add about 6 pieces at a time. I move them so they are not over lapping. Double click on them to grab.
~ I then make them vanish, by either shrinking them(top 4 arrows) or growing them(bottom 4 arrows)
this depends on how big they are when they first appear in the room.
If they are large(most are) I then shrink it(it vanishes) If it is small, I click the grow button(it vanishes)
I think if we shrink or grow the items to big or small, then they disappear from our journal altogether. IDK? but this has happened to me
NEXT. This is important.
~ Fly to a meadow. I have found flying to a meadow saves your furniture. Once I flew straight out of the hollow from my home and everything I had worked on vanished! I always fly to a meadow when saving my furniture and when leaving someone else's home. < I found that if you fly from one home back to your own, you take that fairies furniture with you and it is hard to remove. I had to change homes a few times to rid myself of Nora's belongings LOLOL I can laugh about it, but I know it is upsetting for some. <Acorn....Have NO FEAR unglitchy homes will be NEAR! < I hope lol
~ The furniture you added should be in your room and you should be able to move it freely and maybe even size it correct.
I did choose furniture that I knew wouldn't matter if it grew or shrunk(no stairs) but I have seemed to have had luck with sizing most. I think when the furniture flashes twice, after you size it, then it will save to that size. Remeber to go to a meadow for saving. Everytime you edit your home.
~ I also found that some stuff was unremovable from your home. I think it is the things intended for your garden, so things like large trees and shrubs. Pot plants have added to my home fine, but once I added some gardens stuff and I had to change homes a few times to make them go away as I could not click on them to remove them. They thought they owned the joint ROFL! Happy Trees!
I really hope this helps some of you and works for you!!!! I hope I didn't forget anything either. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. HAPPY HOME STYLING !!!! Expect a visit from me! HOME PARTY TIME! LOOK OUT!!!! GET BAKING!!!!

Oh and if anyone knows why I can't get more furniture plz tell me it's NOT coz I have to much already LOLOLOLOL
also (Where is spell check???) ROFL

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