Anyone that has seen my previous tutorial on the workaround I found and has used said tutorial might have realised their allotted space going down... sometimes a little too fast. I have some workarounds you can try:
1. If you've been saving your images as Bitmaps or Pngs, try Jpegs instead: the images won't look as crisp, but they'll take up even less space.
1a. But be careful which images you save as Jpegs: if it doesn't look grainy, go ahead. If it does, consider instead...
2. Shrinking your images down to a smaller scale will also help with space usage.
3. The more details, the larger the image.
4. Very important! Mind your storage capacity! Not everyone has the same capacity, so here are the size ceilings:
Restricted: 1 MB
New Arrivals: 10 MB
Certified Pixies: 20 MB
Honoured Pixies: 30 MB
Pixie Pals: 40 MB
Talent Masters: 50 MB
Ministers: 60 MB
VIPs (Purchasable): 80 MB
Site Managers: Same as VIP
If not listed, that means you might be in a group with far fewer permissions.
Hope this was an even greater help! 