Hello everyone! As the year draws to a close and we celebrate New Years' Eve- or New Years' Day, depending on timezone- I felt like it would be a good idea to celebrate how much we've all changed and grown throughout the past year! So, for all of you fairies and sparrowmen, feel free to share how much you changed in this "glow up" thread. (Get it? Because fairies glow?? Hahaha I'm not funny).
I recently found a photo I took of myself on my very first day here at FairyABC. And trust me, I look like a TOTALLY different fairy! It's hard to believe that this is what I looked like on my very first day!
Now I know, I know, the photo is super blurry- mainly because I took it on my phone. I tried my best to recreate the look from what I was able to see. Here's a before and after!
Woah! I'm a totally different fairy now!
I remember when I flew onto FairyABC nearly 6 months ago, back in early July, I thought I was just going to fly on, replay Bubble Bounce or Water Web, and then fly off. I truly didn't expect to have found such a warm, welcoming community filled with such creative, funny, and dedicated players. As the 2.0 tagline says, FairyABC truly is a new beginning, and hopefully 2019 marks the start of a wonderful new chapter for all of us!
Feel free to post your favorite memories from 2018, as well as whether or not you experienced a total glow up from 2018 to 2019!
Happy New Year~ ♪♫