Heyo fellow fairies & sparrowmen.
You fly into the hollow &, behold, a friend you haven't seen in a while is online at the same time! You fly to each other, have a happy sit-dance battle, & exchange speedchat phrases; then you ask how they are and they say they're a little down because mainland stuff is hard. You are sad to hear they are sad but if you click the emote button to choose the

you will get 'boutiqued as you are sitting in that one spot in Havendish because, for some reason, that is what we all do to ourselves. However! You have been training your whole life for this situation - you have memorized how to type the sad emote manually you smart pixie you. So you go to the keyboard and type a ":" and then a "(" and then you click enter. And lo and behold your friend, after just bearing her sad, sad situation to you, is greeted with a

- _ -
And so you spend the next minute apologizing and trying repeatedly to type a ":" + "(" without it turning into a ":" + "]"
You've lost friendships over it, you accidentally destroyed Susie's farm because of it & tried to cover it up but we know you did it, pixies always find out, we're watching you.
What is to be done? Art thou doomed to type

s for the rest of your life!? D:
Never fear! A solution is here! You hath accidentally been adding a space after your typed emote shortcuts

So the next time you sit in that one spot above the Queen's automatic-arrival-day-outfit-transformer *cough* erm I mean boutique, or simply feel like typing the emote code instead of clicking the emote button, just make sure not to add a space after the emote code to avoid the friendship-ending, meadow-destroying emote that is

Or! If

depicts your heart and soul in any situation, then just add a space after any typed emote shortcut to make it appear!
This has been random solution Tuesday with Abigail Flickerfly, join me again next year to learn how to wrangle aphids.
Fly with you later