| This is interesting!
| Henlo, I am Karma Fields and I am actually named after my favorite music producer. She is one of those fairies who wears monochrome clothing with some colored accents on it.
| She is known in the hollow with snow white skin and white or black hair. She looks like a ghost so that's why many are scared to talk to her.
| She is a Star-counting talent, but she is most fond of constellations. When she sees one, she will be so excited or it can be a nice conversation-opener cause she is--
|--A very awkward fairy. She is silent most of the time, does not know how to start a conversation and is afraid to speak out some opinions in fear that she will be judged by them. Which is why when she does not talk to you, please don't take it personally, she is just like that. She is a huge chatterbox when you talk to her a lot though!
| Like most Light--or in this case Star-counting talents--she is fond of sparkly stuff. Gold and jewels are always her accent when wearing clothes.
| Loves mix-matching outfits
| Is open and passionate for what she believes in and is willing to bend the rules when needed.
| Actually loves to draw and sharing/making art with her friends are her joy!
| Maybe a nice opening for her character is when one of your protagonists would bump against her by accident and that's when they met. It's up to you if you want her to talk more with them or not. c;
| Also as promised, pic: