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[Story] Jasper's Writing Contest Entry

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♠ Jαѕ ♠


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Post time 2017-11-27 02:50:24 | All posts |Dock
Edited by Jasper at 2017-11-28 21:18

Before I start I'd like to give a few heads-ups

1. This is long, nearing 4000 words, so please bear with me

2. The story is symbolic for Pixie Hollow's closing, and for my own discovery of FairyABC. Some parts of the story might seem a little weird, it is because it's probably a reference to something in my personal Pixie Hollow life.

I hope that you enjoy this story and that it will mean something to you.

The sound of chiming bells rang throughout Lower Feather Path, abruptly bringing the nearby tiny creatures out of their slumber and back into another sunny day at Pixie Hollow. They rose from their beds, got dressed in their leafy clothes, and headed to the very much expanded Dulcie’s kitchen for breakfast; save for a few who wondered why those meddling tinker fairies implemented their alarm bells in the first place. The ways of Pixie Hollow had very much changed since the time of Tinkerbell’s arrival, but it was only to make up for the exponential growth of new arrivals.

Along the roads of Lower Feather Path sat one small pinecone house, one window carved into it, yet a curtain drawn over it. A tan fairy with a black-and-white plaid shirt and dirty blonde hair skipped up to it, and knocked on the door.

“You up, sleepyhead?” she asked, just loud enough to be heard from the inside. She waited a few moments for a response. “Come on hurry up, we’re going to have to wait in line for breakfast longer if you don’t hurry!” She became flustered. “Jasper!” She heard footsteps and then the door creaked open in front of her. She met eyes with a sparrow man, his messy blonde hair pushed out of his face.

“Sorry Sunrise, I guess I was just in deep sleep.” He said to her in a groggy voice. He opened the door a bit wider and slipped on his black leaf slippers. “Alright, I’m ready, let’s go.”

Sunrise grunted and pushed her way past him as to get in the house. She grabbed his black-and-white striped toboggan off his nightstand, flattened his bedhead-hair, and slipped the hat on him. “Now you’re ready.” She smiled and the two of them flew to Neverberry Thicket to start off their day. As they soared through the air, Jasper looked into the sky and noticed that the sky was covered in clouds. The air was cool, and the vibrant colors of Pixie Hollow almost seemed to fade with the absence of its normal sunshine. A shiver ran down his body at the odd sight of such a gloomy day, but it was nothing he hadn’t seen before.


The merfairies of Sunflower Gully were at their usual, splashing around and giggling, occasionally spraying water at the fairies who sat on the grassy shore. One black-haired merfairy rose to the surface of the water and peered up, resting her arms on the shore to hold herself afloat.
“Sunrise Lemonpetal, huh?” She said to Sunrise, who sat on the grass with her companion. “So, I hear you’re new around here.”

“Well I’m not that new… Jasper here has been showing me the ropes anyway” she said, nudging him with her elbow. “Wait…How did you know my name?”

“Oh, ole Jasper is a regular around here. He tells us about every new arrival that he ‘helps’” she said, using air quotes and giggling at him.

“Very funny Mrs. Daisyray, maybe when you get out of that pond and give some tours yourself, you can talk about ‘helping’” Jasper said, also using air quotes to imitate her. “Sunrise’s tour is over anyway, we’re just hanging out now. She is doing great on her own.”

The merfairy snickered at his sarcasm. “Well in that case, hi dear, my name’s Jade.” Said the merfairy, reaching out to shake Sunrise’s hand. “Tell me Sunrise, have you ever tried sunflower water?” Said Jade before releasing the fairy’s hand.

“Sunflower water? Is that even rea-“ Before Sunrise couldfinish her sentence, Jade tightened her grip on her hand, reached up her free hand and sprayed some pond water onto Sunrise’s cheek, startling her and causing her to zoom backwards into the air. Jade and a few other merfairies broke out into a cackle, as they watched the aftermath of her prank unfold for the umpteenth time.

“It was nice meeting you, Sunrise! Take care of Jasper for me!” Jade yelled, sinking back into the water and continuing to giggle with her comrades. Jasper rolled his eyes and walked over to Sunrise.

“Sorry about that, they’re mischievous.” He said, reaching out to place a hand on her shoulder.

“How rude!” She said in a hushed yell as not to offend them. She took a leaf from her head band and used it to wipe the water off her cheek.

“They were just messing with you, it’s just how they are.” He said, trying to calm her down. Sunrise let out a sigh.

“Anyways, it’s time for me to go to work. The other light talents are finally starting to warm up to me, so I better not be late. See you tonight, Jasper!”

“Okay, good luck out there Sunny!” He said to her as they waved to each other, her figure beginning to shrink as she grew closer to the gray sky. He envied her for a moment, as she got to use her talent every day. Being the rarest talent, one would think that he would never be out of work; however, most of the work assigned to the fast-flying fairies was often given to the newer members of the talent, and the important jobs were given to the talent masters. Jasper was in the middle, so he was assigned the task of touring new arrivals and showing them what being a fast-flyer was all about. He was often out of work being that new fast-flyers were rare, so he began to guide new arrivals of all talents.

Jasper closed his eyes for a moment, still hearing the echo of giggling merfairies behind him. As he thought of anything to do to keep himself occupied, he remembered a special place that he used to spend much of his time at when he was a new arrival. His feet lifted off the ground and he soared over the summer meadows until he came upon a dense forest. He descended to the ground and continued by foot on what used to be a path. The cool air blew against his face as he walked, blowing a few strands of hair out of his face. He took a deep breath as he knew his destination was approaching. He stepped into a clearing and gazed upon the fairy house in front of him. The walls were grown over and the straw roof had been torn, a few small creatures finding shelter in the abandoned structure. Jasper continued toward the house,and with a loud creak, he swung the door open to reveal his sister’s home. A wave of nostalgia came over him as he walked inside, the only light coming from the holes in the roof. He ran his hand along a dusty nightstand, and perched on one of the three leaf swings in her home.

His mind wandered to the hours he had spent in this home with his fairy sister, Sugarpuff. How they would sit on the swings and she would tell him stories of before his arrival. He looked up into her dusty mirror and remembered the last time he saw her. She told him that she would be going away for a while, but never elaborated on why. He concluded that she had been banished, but her house was never repossessed or torn down, which was strange. He remembered her black hair and the purple dress that she always wore.


The sparrow man jumped back and opened his eyes wide out offright. He sighed and freed the tension in his body as he saw that he was face-to-face with a friend. “You scared the pixie dust out of me, Infinity.”

"Infinity what are you doing here?” said the slender fairy. Jasper noticed her blue hair and the strange fact that she started every sentence with the word Infinity.

“Oh, just remembering some good times.” He said, hopping off the swing and walking toward her.

“Infinity in an old abandoned house?” She said, confused.

“Oh it’s just…” He said, trying desperately to think of what to tell her.

“Infinity why don’t you come on over to Havendish Square, we’re having a lot of fun without you.” Said the blue-haired fairy, turning toward the door.

“Sure, you lead the way!” He said, and they both flew above the trees and toward Pixie Hollow’s center. The sky seemed dimmer than when he was last outside. As they soared over the summer meadows, Jasper utilized his fast-flying abilities to catch up with Infinity. “Hey, wait up!” She slowed her pace and gave him a questioning look. “Why don’t we go to Sunflower Gully instead?”

She stared at him for a moment before saying “Infinity sure, why not. Infinity just let me go to Havendish and tell the rest of our friends to come.” He nodded at her and descended back down to Sunflower Gully while Infinity flew on by herself. Jasper sat back down at his usual spot in the grass right next to the shore of the merfairies’ pond.

“Welcome back Jasper!” One of them giggled. He waved and continued to sit quietly, anticipating Infinity’s return. He could hear the merfairies’ conversation a few feet away.

“Does something feel, I don’t know, glum today?”

“I don’t know what you mean, everyone’s up and active, the water is warm, nothing glum here.”

“No, not that…”

“Guys look, the sky! It’s gray and gloomy. That’s what she means”

“Oh no, it must be a storm…” The merfairies gathered to a nearby water fairy to frantically ask her if a storm was coming.

“I uh… I’m pretty new at this but I don’t sense any storm at all.” Said the confused water fairy.

“No storm!?” The merfairies, confused, started speaking in mermish as they chattered on, Jasper could no longer understand what they were saying. He looked into the sky to find it yet again glummer than before. A chilling wind blew across the meadow, some of the merfairies exclaiming at the cold air and sinking into the water to retain their warmth. Jasper became slightly worried for his friends, hoping that the wind would not become stronger and throw off their flying.

He lifted his head to see Infinity finally flying into his view, accompanied by a few more fairies and sparrow men. He grinned in relief that they had finally returned. Infinity looked off to the side, and Jasper could barely make out the shape of her face when she reared back and began screaming. The fairies she was with followed suit and they quickly flew into the nearby meadow. The surrounding fairies heard their cries and became frantic. Jasper quickly rose to his feet to fly, but a shadow bigger than Pixie Hollow itself was cast all throughout the land, leaving them in a dusk-like darkness. The ground began shaking and the faint sound of fairies screaming in panic could be heard from Havendish Square. The merfairies began to panic along with everyone else.

“Everyone go find a safe place, now.” Jasper said as he began to ascend above the trees as to see what was happening. He looked on the shores of Palm Tree Cove and found the source of the shadow: a pirate ship bigger than anything he had ever seen in his life. He saw pirates still jumping out of it, eager to pillage and destroy Pixie Hollow. His eyes opened wide in horror at the sight and he scrambled to think of a course ofaction and quickly turned back to face Havendish Square, only to come face-to-face with a large object that was hurdling toward him. He divebombed back down toward Sunflower Gully and screamed “RUN, RUN!” The fairies who hadn’t already fled were now screaming and flying in every direction as debris began raining down on the Gully


Jasper quickly turned to face the cry for help and ran tothe source, Jade Daisyray, who was the last remaining merfairy in the pond. Jasper grasped her outstretched hands, lifted her above his shoulders, and propelled the merfairy into the air, sending her flying at a speed that she could never achieve on her own. After quickly zooming around to make sure no one else remained in the meadow, Jasper got a running start and with a forceful leap, he sprung himself into the air and beelined as fast as he could to catch up with Jade. As he approached her side, he grabbed her hand so that she could keep up with his speed. He looked in every direction as they drew further away from their home, and was relieved to see many other fairies flying to escape the danger. The two fairies soared through Neverland for what seemed like hours until their wings gave out and they crash-landed in a wooded area. After reorienting themselves and looking at their surroundings, they leaned against some trees and rested their eyes for a moment; however, their peace was short lived as Jasper was jolted into full consciousness by the sound of footsteps and murmurs nearby. He immediately jumped to his feet to see where the danger was coming from, but instead came face to face with a few fairies he didn’t recognize a few feet away, seeming to be just as scared as he was. After he invited them to stay with him and Jade, the fairies found shelter under some leaves and tried to get as much rest as they could for the night, not knowing what the next day would bring them.

~The next morning~

“I should have gone back for them.”

“Jasper, you don’t even know if anyone was left. You saved me, you saved yourself. You did all that you could, give yourself a break.” Said the black haired merfairy to her stressed sparrow friend.

“Jade, millions of fairies lived there and the few of us are alone in these woods. There has got to be someone left. I can’t live withmyself if I don’t go back there.” He said to her, looking into the woods ahead of him. He rested his face in his hands as he contemplated whether to stay in the woods. After a moment, Jade floated to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

“Jas, I think it’s noble that you want to help whatever fairies may still be out there but at least let me go with you.”

“No, I need to do this alone. You have to keep an eye out for the others.” Jade looked around for a moment and then down at his feet before looking up and nodding her head. Jas gave her an assuring smile.

“I’ll be back before you know it.” And with that, he ascended into the air and back through the way which they came. He didn’t want to expose himself to the open, but he had no choice but to eventually fly above the trees as to see which direction to go. After passing a few landmarks that he had briefly noticed on the flight to the forest, he realized he was nearing Pixie Hollow and he felt his heartbeat accelerate. When he reached the outside border of Pixie Hollow, he descended back to the ground and braced himself to face the unknown. He slowly stepped forward into a tangled mess of leaves and vines, and after a struggle, he tumbled onto a clearing. He rubbed his forehead and looked to his side to find a giant dusty red ball, which startled him.

“Neverfruit?” He whispered to himself, placing his hand on the fallen fruit. He looked up to face none other than a neverfruit tree. He immediately realized where he was: Neverfruit Grove. Aside from the Pixie Post Office being pillaged, the worst damage done to Neverfruit Grove was to the trees and grass. Jasper glided through the meadow and over a now-muddy stream with the intention of finding Havendish Square. He envisioned finding Sunrise or Infinity among a group of fairies finding shelter under a big pink flower, perhaps even in the corners of the ballroom. Jasper was full of hope and took a big gulp before he topped the hill which would reveal Havendish Square to him, but his stomach dropped when he saw the landscape before him.

Strewed out on the ground before him was a variety of debris: plants, boats, glass, signs, even dresses from Queen’s Boutique. However, the most notable damage of all was the pixie dust tree; it had been badly struck in many places and seemed to be robbed of its pixie dust. Stricken with shock and defeat, Jasper sunk to his knees, plucked a petal off a flower that had been trampled over, and began to cry into it; grieving over his home that had been taken from him only in a matter of minutes, and for the fairies like Sunrise whom he didn’t get to say a proper goodbye to. He lifted his face out of the petal and gazed up at the pixie dust tree through his tears. He began to flutter his wings and rose to the arrival circle where he would check for any leftover pixie dust to sustain him on his upcoming journey. He found a nook that was still filled with pixie dust, and wondered if all the other fairies were in too big of a rush to find it. He took the short walk over to the dust keepers’ workshop, picked out a satchel that wasn’t damaged and filled it with the pixie dust that he had found. Jasper walked out to the edge of the arrival circle and peered over the entirety of the now abandoned Pixie Hollow, still beautiful in it’s destroyed state yet with a haunting atmosphere. He took in his surroundings for a moment more before leaping off the ledge and zooming back to the woods. Was it really safe for him to stay on an island where pirates roamed and where his abandoned homeland rested? He knew it wasn’t, but he had an idea.

When he returned to Jade and the others, he brought them above the trees so that the night sky was visible. There were two stars in particular that stood out amongst the rest, the second of which Jasper pointed at – the way to the Mainland.

~3 years later~

It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but living away from any fellow fairies for the past year and a half took its toll on him and he felt that he would lose himself without remembering where he came from. The mainland had its perks, but there was always something missing. Jasper’s blonde hair was blown out of his face by the cool evening air as he soared over the ocean which was tinted purple by his shades, worn to remind him of a human he met on the mainland who showed him compassion and kindness, and who wore glasses of the same kind. A recognizable island came into Jasper’s view and he felt a familiar racing heartbeat as he approached it. He landed on a calm shore, the shore of Palm Tree Cove, and took a deep breath as he stood on the grounds of Pixie Hollow for the first time in years. His mind flashed back to the last time he was here, the desolate state of his former home flashing through his mind like a haunting slideshow that almost made him hesitant to enter. Despite his fear of the past, he continued forward on foot through the palm trees and bushes until he was in the actual meadow. When he saw what stood before him, he was nearly winded.

The meadow was clean and alive, as if nothing ever happened. He had figured that other fairies would visit the Hollow besides him, but the restoration of this meadow was nothing short of breathtaking. Only fairies could accomplish this; however, there were no fairies to be seen. Jasper opened the door to Schelly’s Shears to find that it was lit up and appeared to be functional, but still no fairies. He looked into one of the hairdresser’s mirrors for a moment to comb down his hair that had been blown around in the wind, when the door to the shop made a sudden creak. Jasper came face to face with a fairy who had silky black hair and light blue eyes. He quickly jumped back as the fairy drew closer to him.

“Are you ok, dude?” She asked him, confused. Jasper stared at her for a moment, in disbelief that he was seeing another fairy in Pixie Hollow after 3 years.

“Are you real?” He said in a soft voice, inching closer to her.

“What? Why wouldn’t I be real? My name’s Strawberry.”

“My name’s Jas-“ His words were cut off by the sight of more fairies entering the shop behind Strawberry.

“Nice to meet you, Jas.” She turned around to face two more fairies. “Oh, this is Luna, my best friend.” She said, pointing to a curly-haired brunette fairy. “And this is Anastasia Nightlily.” Strawberry said while turning to point to a dirty blonde fairy who looked up at him and gave him a sweet smile before returning her gaze back to the ground. He shook hands with the three fairies, and before he knew it, the entire shop was filled with fairies that he had never seen before, but whom he would soon become acquainted with in his not-so-new home. That night, Jasper weaved his way into a community of fairies who had one thing in common; they never gave up on their home. It would not be as populated as it once was, and it had a long way before being fully restored, but it was his home and for the first time in a long time, he truly belonged. Jasper would never forget his friends and family from Pixie Hollow’s glory days, and he surely remembered them as he built a new family that would be with him until… The end.

Thank you so much Nilla, Anastasia Nightlily, Strawberry, Luna, Anastasia Beautyglow, Lila, Banana, Michal, Lava, Loon, Sia, Gardenia, Victoria, Donner Parsleyhill, Cecil, Lavender, Pearl, Nora, Topaz Nightspirit, Melanie Bubblecup, Julie, Margo, Stella, Karma Fields, Nightfall Moonmist, Kelly Seafleck, Daisy Starglow, Emma, Rose Rosegarden, and Ali Glitterblossom forbeing my new family. You guys inspire me every single day and I am eternally grateful to have met each and every one of you. I’d also like to take a moment to remember my original PH friends, Sunrise Lemonpetal, Jade Daisyray,Sugarpuff, Infinity, Isabelle Moonlake, Opal Moonshimmer, Stella Starshimmer,June Seaflower, Bumblestripe, and Alina. I will never forget you ♥

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Talent Master

I've been falling...FOR 30 MIN

Post time 2017-11-27 06:03:09 | All posts


THANK YOU SO MUCH JUNI HFKJIGHDFIS  Post time 2017-11-27 11:44
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fantasy and snazzy stuff



Post time 2017-11-27 07:58:02 | All posts
Oh my gosh this is so good!
i have arisen from my five year hiatus!!

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Talent Master

Post time 2017-11-27 09:11:29 | All posts
Aw so sweet and good!
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Pixie Pal

Post time 2017-11-27 18:49:27 | All posts
So sweet...
tiny human with wings

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Talent Master



Post time 2017-11-27 19:01:51 | All posts
*screetching* I LOVE IT SO MUCH


THANK YOU SO MUCH I'M GLAD YOU LIKED IT  Post time 2017-11-28 00:41
would i rather be feared or loved?

simple. i want people to fear how much they love me.
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DJ Skinnylegs



Post time 2017-11-27 20:28:08 | All posts
you included me into the family :')
ty bb also
great story
ali glitterblossom
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Certified Pixie

Post time 2017-11-27 20:41:45 | All posts
Jasper! You are so talented!


Thank you so much!!! ♥  Post time 2017-11-27 23:34
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Pandora This user has been deleted
Post time 2017-11-27 21:27:11 | All posts
Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
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Hey, its May. ❤


active userministerFairyABC StaffActive Staff Member Special contribution

Post time 2017-11-27 23:34:03 | All posts
I actually shed a few tears Jas. This was so heart touching and beautiful I can't even right now. Also, ILYSM YOUR THE BEST SPARROW ANY FAIRY COULD ASK FOR. *hugs*

Also, amazing writing skills my love, this is really detailed and well written! <3  
Villiana on the forums, Nilla in 1.0 ~ Nissa in 2.0.
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