If you are trying to grow plants but keep on failing here are some things that you need to know (use https://www.almanac.com/plant/roses for more help)1. When to plant (depends on location)- Each plant has a time that they can be planted, normally it will say when to plant the plant on the packaging. EX- In Massachusetts, I would plant roses in May-June then harvest them in July-November
2. Soil- Your soil should have enough nutrients and a good ph level. The ph level should be a 5.5-7 range. You can test this by buying a soil test kit.
3- Diseases and Pests- These are very annoying to deal with. Diseases and pests can kill your plants or make the plants very weak. To kill pests kill them on these days listed below.
Nov 28, 2017
| Nov 29, 2017 | Nov 30, 2017 | Dec 26, 2017 | Dec 27, 2017 | 4. Animals- Animals are also dangerous to your plants, they can eat them all up! Put a fence up around your garden to keep them out.
5.Watering- Do not overwater or underwater your plants, figure out how much water the plant needs and when the plant needs the water. |
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