I couldn't find a tutorial for this (unless it's somewhere I need to look XD), or it may have been removed during that glitch, so I decided to show you how to get any color as your fairy's skin color. I learned this from a different tutorial thread, but I can't find it anywhere, which is why I'm reposting it (in my own words) in case.
First thing you'll do is go to Schelly's Hair Salon in Palm Tree Cove. That's the beach meadow located lower on the map. The sign will say "Bella's Baubles", but don't worry. It's just a mistake.
Next thing to do is click Stella, the shopkeeper, to open up the menu of things you can get.
Then, go to the tab with the color you want the skin to be. I'm going to hair colors. Find a color you want and click it. DO NOT CLICK GET YET OR IT WON'T WORK!
Now, go to the skin color tab. Click get, and there you go! You now have an interesting and unique skin color!
Hope this helps! AGAIN, I have no idea if a thread like this is still up. I searched the tutorial section and couldn't find it. Maybe it's in the video section? If it is, please note that I DIDN'T INTEND ON STEALING YOUR IDEA! I'm only trying to help users in case they want to cosplay or some other reason. Thank you 
Fly with you!