To celebrate moon festival, the Sky lanterns are available in the Rose Island meadow.In this year, the Sky lanterns are improved so we can interacte with our friends. Server: Hidden Ridge
- Double click to create a new lantern.
- Drag and drop to change its position.
- There can be up to 100 lanterns in the meadow, would be cool if there were 10+ fairies playing together.
Also, we are having moon festival parties on October the fourth and fifth, famous fairies will be there enjoying the time with you.
If you joined the party and take a screenshot, comment below after October fifth, and you can get a mooncake badge.
Moderators can talk to admins about famous fairies if you are interested, Please note that mods are not allowed to play famous fairies without permission from the admins.
The famous fairy secret access is in the treetop bend meadow.
I am off for my moonfestival break, and i will be back on october 9th!
Happy Moon Festival 2017 everyone!