To make a good PH badge, you should be familiar with the different fonts and colors used, and a good idea of what they look like. For this, I recommend this website: http://pixiehollowbadges.weebly. ... -journal-pages.html
This website has every PH badge from Summer 2008 to Summer 2013.
Now, the fonts used in Pixie Hollow were called Pristina and Arial Rounded MT Bold. These are default fonts that your computer should already have. However, only Arial Rounded MT Bold is used on the badge descriptions, and the color used is a dark brown (it does not matter which exact shade).
Here's some templates to get you started:
http://photobucket.com/gallery/u ... heHRybjkucG5n/?ref=
http://photobucket.com/gallery/u ... 0NW84Mi5wbmc=/?ref=
http://photobucket.com/gallery/u ... jZDQ0Ny5wbmc=/?ref=
And here's a tutorial, credit to Snowflake Neverlily (fuffeedoo1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4LI-hkEr9Y
There are many ways to make a leaf journal, and here's how I did it:
- Find a cute journal you like, preferrably a green one. It should NOT have lines.
- Take a piece of paper the size of your journal and draw on it to make it look like a leaf journal. Take your time, you are trying to make this accurate.
- Glue the piece of paper on, and let dry. Repeat for back and side.
- Once you are done with that, open your journal and divide it into 2 parts. The first part of the book is the first 5 pages. These pages will be about your fairy/sparrow man. Describe them, draw them, glue in pictures, whatever you want! The rest of the book is for badges that you can draw or print out. You can even make headers for the pages and even a table of contents if you are up to the challenge.
- Have fun!