Edited by itzyagurlkait at 2017-8-6 22:12
When you're making a 3D edit or whatever, go into the game and use the Snipping Tool on your computer (if you have Windows..not sure if it's on Mac) to take a picture of the clothes, either your fairy is wearing or the player's fairy is wearing (if you're doing a request). When you have the clothes saved, go into MS Paint and enlarge them a little bit (it increases the quality a little bit so it won't be so blurry when you put them on the template fairy).
The way to enlarge them is to open 1 (and gradually all) of the pictures into Paint and then press the "Resize" button. Change the "Horizontal" one to 150 and press Ok (or enter). Keep doing that a couple times until the picture is pretty big (not too big though).
Also, I know a lot of people have recommended Pixlr as the best photoshop program to use when doing edits, but personally, I would recommend Gimp. Yes, you have to download it, but Gimp (to me) is just a better quality photoshop program. Pixlr and Gimp are for the most part similar, but there are a few differences. One difference is the lasso tools. In Pixlr, if you mess up using the lasso tool, you have to redo the whole thing because you can't fix your mistake. On Gimp, if you mess up using the lasso tool, you can fix it because there's little dots that you can adjust if you mess up.
(P.S. Gimp is 100% free.)
That's all that I have for this thread! Thanks for reading! I hope I helped someone with this! Have a flitterific day!!