o/ Yoo my fellow musicians <3
I will try to make this as short as I can because it's so boring lol. I'll start off with saying that I currently play 2 instruments, the Piano (6 years) and the Violin (5 years). Ahhhh, my pinky is most to blame for my battles ;;
With the Piano, it's such a struggle T^T I can BARELY do an octave with my thumb and pinky, going from C to C (or any ocatave over) is so difficult. Every piece with it, I either slip off, or hit the 7th note instead of the 8th. I had a teacher and she was patient with me, but now, I think deep down that she was sort of annoyed hahaha ;;
I play the violin with my school orchestra and there are a lot of songs that requires the use of fourth finger (pinky). Everytime, I would stretchhhhh my pinky really far to try and hit the note, and most times I would hit it (with my pinky resulting in some sort of soreness afterwards), but the rest, I would be flat T^T sigh I would need to do more of finger and pinky exercises.
I LOVE TO PLAY, BUT LIKE. MY FINGERS DON'T WANT ME TO. thanks for taking your time to read my thread <333
~ RIP Gardenia