Edited by starsorceress at 2024-11-8 00:13
Hi Everyone! I know this is a bit over due, but here is the recap for the Ghostly Halloween Gala!!
Our first ghostly arrivals for the night!!
Something (or someone) spooky interrupted in the very begninning of the night, almost like foreshowing what might come 
After that enounter, we jumped staright into our first game of the night: Ghost Host Says!
Towards the end of Ghost Host says, we got an very unexpected visit from two very special fairies: Silvermist and Iridessa!
We then invited both Silvermist and Iridessa to join us in a quick game of freeze tag!
After all that flying around, we decided to rest our wings as we gather to listen to a spooky tale told by Iridessa
Before Silvermist and Iridessa had to fly off, we took a group photo with them
After the special visit with the Famous fairy, we headed into our final game of the night: A Halloween scavenger hunt lead by my co host Holly!
One last group photo of the the night!
I also wanted to give special thanks for Holly and June who provided these amazing pictures from the event!
I had so much fun being able to co host and I had such an amazing time being able to apart of Spooky Month 2024!
Until next time!