Heyo fairies & sparrowmen! Wow, yep definitely just burst into tears as soon as I started this. I'm so grateful I could host a final/we could hang out together at FCF in July. (You didn't miss anything, this is a recap about the FCF from 2 months ago.)
I definitely intended to get this up much closer to that date and to still be able to chat in the Discord and forums and come to events and instead my health turned and said "yeah no how about you don't interact with your friends at all for over 2 months."
I'm not overly fond that this is the direction it went for : (
I can't believe this is the last time I'm going to do this, there's so much context that hopefully most people are caught up on. If you aren't, I did update my page and the community has been another tear-sob-producing amazing source of really truly amazing friends just surrounding me with love like a huge pillow. I can't thank everyone enough for what you've done for me these past few months, and of course the past seven years. I love you to the second star and back.
I'm not caught up anywhere but I'm going to work on responding to messages and such after posting this but my apologies for not being up to date with anyone, I'm hoping to be soon.
Know that even when I can't respond online, I'm thinking about you all the time. I see things that remind me of different aspects of the community constantly. You are an amazing group of pixies and I wouldn't have known how or wanted to go through all of this with anyone else. I don't want to stop typing because that means I've finished but I know I have to. I had hoped this could both be a recap thread for the FCF I hosted as well as maybe a bit of a throwback to the FCFs we've shared over the years in general but I haven't sorted through all of those folders yet and we'll see if this thread ends up fitting in one part or ends up needing to be split up on its own haha. Maybe in the future the flitterific hosting crew can post a throwback thread (I'll be sending past assets and pictures to certain fellow staff members to make sure all that history doesn't get lost). Hugs forever and ever -
And now without further ado, le recap thread:
I specifically wanted 7/19 to be my last FCF to host bc the first accidental FCF was in 9/17 so it was a nice full circle thing to have the numbers match.
So coming back to everything, this was where I had last seen all of y'all, and... let's be real 🤷♀️
So glad this worked out. A very cool thing to do and see and leave on and now have gotten to go through and see all the amazing things that it led to. The hosts made Talent Month 2023 truly worthy of the blast of fireworks it started with.
So we didn't do any judging in-game this week, but that was purposeful because as a surprise the entire Flickerfamily worked behind the scenes to look at everyone's outfits and pick winners.
(*Note: The numbers are for design and comedic purposes only, they do not reflect the person's actual ranking of how they think their chosen winners did)
Also Fabc is now officially older than the OG PH, and FCF is only 3-4ish years younger. It all has become it's own thing; it's become something unique for each person who attends. FCF isn't a place, it's a group of people, and it's a group of people who are truly deeply loved.
Because of this, and because of the meaning of this particular FCF for me, I came into it with a specific thematic structure for the evening to reflect the full time and essence of it. The different stages of an adventure, of life. Preparation, Experience, and new introduced Novelty at the end to start or continue the cycle anew; this all truly marking the imminent journey of time. So use your P.E.N. ; ) & write, learn from; tell your story.
Silly Screenshots
I decided to bring back the 'Host's Honorable Mention' for this night. I hadn't done one in a while but it seemed fitting to do this time. This was from the round "Something Borrowed" and Celeste's inspiration was "stardust" because everything is borrowed stardust. I liked her outfit, inspiration, and the personal connection I have to the word from the Star Wars Rogue One movie (and I know Celeste likes the movie as well) So congrats Celeste, well done 
I want to sit and write soliloquy upon soliloquy right now but really I think there's only one thing left I can say which is so hard. But I love you, and