Edited by juno30 at 2023-9-28 18:53
While HCC has typically been a Discord-exclusive event, we're bringing it to the forums this year in collaboration with Spooky Month 2023! Show off your fashion skills and embrace the festivities for Halloween! Post a thread of one entry for your dressed-up pixie (preferrably tagged with the Cosplay prefix), along with a short explanation of your inspiration.
You can utilize any game version of FairyABC to create your look, but remember to save your image within the game, through the Print option in your leaf journal. Anything is allowed for your costume, as long as it follows FairyABC PG rules and guidelines. Be original and creative!
Entries will be taken until Midnight EST on the last day of October, and winners will be announced the following afternoon on November 1. Good luck and have fun! 