Edited by GrayHiraeth at 2022-9-3 06:36
Before we get into the FCF recap, the Talent Month Poll Results for anyone interested!
Plus, bc we weren't able to after the Ball, we did a talent-themed Skribbl FCF afterparty. As Juno and I both collaborated on putting the talent list together for Talent Month we kind of want to defer the win to Lightningbeam who was on FIRE!
Ok now back to your regularly scheduled FCF recap thread ; )
Heyo fairies & sparrowmen, I hope you’re having a flitterific day! So glad we could hang out together at FCF after a month off <3 I'm also including the last FCF recap as I was unable to post it due to the forum update. The Next Full Moon Ball is this Sunday, September 11th, keep an eye out for Violet's detail thread coming soon! And now without further ado, le recap thread:
(As the winner of the Talent Ball scavenger hunt, Juno won the chance to be speedround host for a week!)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Be sure to check out the Pixie Postings Calendar to know about all the upcoming events! (If you click on an event name on the calendar it will pop up all of that event's information)