Art, Performance and Tinker-Talents unite! It's your time to shine in the creativity-boosting Craftmanship Talents Tea!
Join me, your host June, in the Tearoom at 8:30 EDT for refreshments and games on Thursday, August 11th. We'll be playing games related to Art and Tinker Talents that challenge both crafting knowledge and the artistic eye! In the meantime, take a look at just some of the Art and Tinker talents of Pixie Hollow for outfit inspiration for this event. Dress in something tinker-tastic or something you don't mind getting paint on (trust me).
Art Talents Leo the Mural-Talent, Bess the Art-Talent, Scarlett the Pottery-Talent
Craftsmanship Talents Azure the Wood-carving Talent, Cedar the Carpenter-Talent, Jax the Glassblower-Talent
Tinker Talents, Metal-working Talents Dupe the Art Replica-Talent, Aidan the Crown Repairing-Talent, Twire the Scrap-Metal-Recovery-Talent
I hope you feel inspired, and prepare yourselves for further creative endeavors! As we celebrate all these lovely talents:
Craftsmanship Talents Art (Decoration, Dyeing, Floor Polishing, Glass Blowing, Hair Dressing, Leaf Curling, Painting, Polishing, Sculpting, Stone Polishing, Wood Carving) Mining Scent Creating Sewing (Knot Tying, Lace Making, Measuring, Shoe Making, Shoe Shining) Storytelling (Acting, Dancing, Diary Writing, Music, Performing, Scribe, Singing, Tall Tale Telling) Tinker (Basket Weaving, Boat Making, Carpentering, Chair, Crown Repairing, Doorknob, Grass Weaving, Key Hold Design, Masonry, Pebble, Pots and Pans, Rare Item Finding, Scrap Metal Recovery, Scrap Metal Sorting, Weaving) Save the date for Thursday, August 11th in the Tearoom at 8:30 EDT!