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pearlcuteshine 2017-3-26 20:43
Hey guys! I'm trying out the blog feature on here! I'll prob use this to give longer updates about my day! This is my final day of spring break sadly. And as usual I have procrastinated all the work I was given. What can I say? I'm a mess!!! But hey at least I got to catch up on a lot of the sleep i ...
1183 read|6 comments Hot 3
spacebot28 2017-3-26 14:17
Hello everybody welcome yo my blog this is a first so i will update every week some time i hope everybody love my art i will post so thank and bye for now
182 read|0 comments
Going to Asia.
Villiana 2017-3-24 15:55
Hello everyone, I would like to inform you all that today, March 24th I am going to Asia. I will return after Spring Break, EST. I will miss you all, and sadly I will not be able to take my computer as my President, Donald Trump has banned computers on Turkish Airlines, and I had no idea ...
1300 read|0 comments Hot 2
Jeanne de Clisson
Lavender-Marie 2017-3-21 02:39
Jeanne de Clisson
Basic Overview: Sidenote: My family is Breton (from Brittany) and I think that Jeanne de Clisson is super bad-ass, so why not give everyone a little history lesson? Detailed info: In 1330, the daughter of Maurice IV of Belleville-Montaigu and Létice de Parthenay, Jeanne-L ...
1114 read|7 comments Hot 7
Spring 2017 part 1
Daisygem 2017-3-20 15:27
This is my first year in Pixie Hollow. I want to share all the amazing thing's that happen this year. I will use pictures to tell my story. ~March 19th 2017~ I finished my house, time to go exploring! Wow! It's so beautiful! The other garden talents did a great job! ...
766 read|7 comments Hot 3
Fairy Name
Butterflies 2017-3-20 13:46
My fairy name is Laurel DiamondDust please comment your fairy name below so we can hang together!!
940 read|6 comments Hot 8
//Cries ✘First Day on Pixie Hollow ✘
smallapple403 2017-3-19 22:49
//Cries ✘First Day on Pixie Hollow ✘
Ahhh . playing on Pixie Hollow again in like forever makes me so emotional ;_; I literally could not help myself from sobbing in tears I suddenly just missed all the fun times I had here~ all the friends and fun memories 33 Anyways, this is the picture I took on the first day~ //cough cough igno ...
1695 read|21 comments Hot 20
«First Day in Pixie Hollow»
Dresses24 2017-3-18 21:05
«First Day in Pixie Hollow»
March 18th, 2017- First day back in pixie hollow after a 4 year long break~ Wow i just want to thank all the fairies/sparrowman (?) lol who made fairyabc happen! Today was so emotional, remembering all the good old days on the old pixie hollow; I had so much fun and will definitely be on he ...
912 read|3 comments Hot 12
Spring is here!
WonderlyTwil 2017-3-18 16:28
Spring is here!
Hey everyone i just wanted to blog a moment about how i'm so excited its spring. I also just wanted to give some plant tips. 1-water them 2-the right amount of sun 3-make sure you have them in the right pot 4-check for weeds once each week 5-make sure you have the correct fer ...
1062 read|0 comments Hot 1
Java - First Android App By No.5972
No.5972 2017-3-17 12:21 //passed at Android Developer Tools Build: v22.6.2-1085508 package com.example.hwtest; import; import; ...
1763 read|0 comments Hot 1

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