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[Solved] Fairies stuck in forever loop even in reloading 2.0  ...2 TheCuriousSeed 2020-9-16 112975 Jasper 2020-9-17 10:01
[Solved] I can't even start the game New arrival post katykloud9 2020-9-15 21340 Jasper 2020-9-15 21:54
[Solved] Uh... Skintones? New arrival post katykloud9 2020-9-15 21126 MoonFields 2020-9-15 20:59
[Solved] Furniture i bought invisible Rosesandstars8 2020-9-15 11473 MoonFields 2020-9-15 15:34
[Unsolved] house looks like Treetop Bend in 2.0 Rosesandstars8 2020-9-11 52314 MysticBeam 2020-9-12 00:30
[Unsolved] Removable outfit parts in 2.0 (except tops and bottoms) TheCuriousSeed 2020-8-31 81668 TheCuriousSeed 2020-9-8 08:58
[Solved] Help decorating house New arrival post lucyhd 2020-9-7 21096 buzzybuttercup 2020-9-7 22:31
[Solved] Where to get clothes? New arrival post DeathSquad 2020-9-7 11413 Villiana 2020-9-7 19:59
[Solved] cannot access the game New arrival post drxgonfly 2020-9-3 69157 plainity 2020-9-4 10:37
[Solved] whats [Read permissions 100]? electrospider 2020-9-3 1955 Villiana 2020-9-3 20:03
[Solved] Lost Credits Solariopa 2020-8-31 152985 TheCuriousSeed 2020-9-2 18:27
[Solved] 2.0 doesn't have all the skin tone options that 1.0 has electrospider 2020-8-30 31084 TheCuriousSeed 2020-8-31 06:08
Downgrading without doing any exchanges yet TheCuriousSeed 2020-8-30 51085 TheCuriousSeed 2020-8-31 06:01
[Solved] Abnormal Login Serendipity129 2020-8-30 21470 TheCuriousSeed 2020-8-30 12:19
[Solved] how to get contribution? and what is it.  ...2 electrospider 2020-8-27 153687 buzzybuttercup 2020-8-29 22:50
[Unsolved] Album upload error message littledrop 2020-8-21 31479 buzzybuttercup 2020-8-29 12:15
Can't play Disney offical fairies games SapphireGlitter 2020-8-27 31727 TheCuriousSeed 2020-8-28 00:50
[Solved] Server not found New arrival post booju410 2020-8-20 31153 booju410 2020-8-25 11:32
[Solved] Why won't the stores load for me New arrival post Splatoongal 2020-8-21 01144 Splatoongal 2020-8-21 04:40
sparrowmen eye problem? wavesup 2020-8-15 41604 wavesup 2020-8-19 22:44
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