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[Art offer] My Ballroom Design (not a contest entry)  ...23 Memm 2017-12-7 304283 Memm 2017-12-9 01:57
[2D edit] Mean Girls  ...23 Rhodon 2017-11-30 264126 Pumpkin 2017-12-8 00:43
3D Edit Of Crystal Shinyheart!  ...2 Villiana 2017-12-5 243529 RedYuley727787 2017-12-6 23:56
[3D edit] 3D Edit Of WinterSparkle!  ...2 Villiana 2017-12-3 202895 EmmaB4848 2017-12-6 00:09
[3D edit] A 3D Edit Of Myself!  ...2 Villiana 2017-12-1 363920 EmmaB4848 2017-12-6 00:06
[3D edit] 3D Edit Bundle #3  ...2 SAIL0RSATURN 2017-12-3 172925 ~Stacey~ 2017-12-4 17:13
[Art request] Scarlet's 3D Edit Bundle Requests  ...2 SAIL0RSATURN 2017-11-24 183292 toadstoolivy 2017-12-3 22:20
[3D edit] 3D Edit Bundle Request #2  ...2 SAIL0RSATURN 2017-11-30 162901 justarosee 2017-12-3 19:57
[paint/draw] My finished fairy piece!  ...23 Lavendar 2017-12-2 304259 Dianano 2017-12-3 07:14
[3D edit] 3D Edits Bundle #1  ...2 SAIL0RSATURN 2017-11-27 162738 Solariopa 2017-12-1 23:32
[3D edit] Scarlet Roseflame [3D Edit pt2]  ...2 SAIL0RSATURN 2017-11-18 142806 gem 2017-12-1 19:52
[paint/draw] Hatsune Crystal!  ...2 Dream 2017-11-30 302333 gem 2017-12-1 14:40
[paint/draw] WIP of my fairy! New arrival post  ...2 Lavendar 2017-11-27 172290 Dianano 2017-11-30 08:18
[3D edit] LillyFlower29!!/Indigo Frostysky  ...2 whimsicalDonut 2017-10-9 183579 Villiana 2017-11-28 22:08
[Art request] Crystal2780!! (request)  ...2 Fungirl99000 2017-11-24 192735 Villiana 2017-11-25 16:34
[paint/draw] This is a Drawing/Edit for a Friend  ...2 Pumpkin 2017-11-19 203031 Lavendar 2017-11-24 22:11
[2D edit] Allied  ...23 Rhodon 2017-11-20 264741 Sierra 2017-11-22 10:35
[3D edit] 3D edit of camellia lightningshadow 3  ...2 juliana173 2017-11-7 152932 King 2017-11-19 12:43
[3D edit] My Best 3d Edit Yet!  ...2 toadstoolivy 2017-11-14 303081 Hcube7 2017-11-18 11:10
[paint/draw] My fairy Snowcloud and the Spider Pumpkin 2017-11-11 111688 King 2017-11-17 01:40
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