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Cosplay improv

My idea for this group is to combine cosplay and improv. As much as possible, I will host for 2 hours a cosplay improv meet up. I will put the date of the event, the category for that event. Then when we all meet up, in a cosplay of our choice in the assigned category, and we do improv and I will record it to put it on youtube and the forum.

All meetings will be held in fairytale theater, For now the server will be hidden ridge

Gonna start of with just making this an invitation group, but if things go well I will turn it into free joining. However, if other fairies that are not in the group happen to come in the middle of an improv meeting, they are more than welcome to stay.

I'm planning on making our First improv meet for May 19, (that's a saturday) at 7:30 pm central time.

Our first cosplay category will be disney characters. (so you would come as a disney character and then we would create a play with improv with our cosplays)
Favorite||Credit: 21|Group owner: arianator3942

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arianator3942 Created on 2018-4-19

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