Edited by jennyhollybell at 2018-7-4 01:16
I know this is much later on to the original post, but I wanted to share one other website that I have used for years. This website has more font selections, but not as many glitter selections as the website that Jasper shared. This way, you can choose between what you determine to be most important for your unique glitter signature. 
The website is called Glitter Text Generator, and it can be reached through this link.
After following all of the provided steps with instructions, click on the box below the 4th Step labeled "Click for Codes".
When you click this, three boxes will appear as shown below. Look only at the box in the middle labeled "Forum", as seen below, as your link will be used on a forum website.
The only information/link needed to make your glitter text appear in your signature is everything within the [IMG] tabs, or what I haven't crossed out below. This is easy to remember because you will be showing an image in your signature and not a URL!
After copying the information within the [IMG] tabs, go to your settings, find the section where you can change your signature, and paste the information into the box as shown below with my signature.
Press preview and/or submit and you now have a glitter text in your signature!
Happy flapping!