Hey all, and welcome to another not so glorious post by yours truly - Juni!
Okay, now that we got that out of the way, let's get down to the real reason why I am typing this and you're reading it.
I developed another Discord, and now I am officially inviting you to join it - it's called "The Sims 4: Get Together" - not so original I know.....but, it's a good way to connect with others who play the game and have fun. So, if you're interested, just click that lil link below and join in!
Hope I'll see you there! Thanks for reading and remember if you do join, the first thing you have got to do is head to the rules-channel and read the rules and punishments carefully. That is all.
Thanks so much for sparing time to read this, have a lovely morning/day/night!
~ Juniper, your faithful fairy Moderator