oh BOY this Hunter's moon is p early this year! This year, its on october 9th at the Realm (check the Out of Place signpost row at havendish square!). it'll be at 5 pm pacific, which would be at 7 central & 8 pm eastern. i notice we're getting a few people from Central time, so i put it in the promo! the theme this moon, with input from other fairies, has changed a bit! we got: hunters, travelers, blood, hope, dying grass, and (the new bit) classic monsters. y'know, like vampires & werewolves. they aren't the only ones you can dress up as, though! I'm dressed as a vampire, who keeps herself on her toes by wearing pure silver jewelry. Her box has blood packs. And I tried to make an outfit with the moon theme BLOOD cute...its hard. October makes me want to dress up all my characters in gothic or scary styles .
So stock up on silly sweets, and I'll see ya there! - Violet