August is almost over D': If you haven't already, be sure to enter the Talent Month contests before they close on the 31st!
Thank you to everyone for participating in this year's Talent Month. Hopefully the change of pace with different events and activities was fun and the category format was an enjoyable way to celebrate all of the amazing talents of Pixie Hollow! Thank you for sharing your creativity in your outfits for the events, the Fashion Contest, and your submissions for Art Fest. Also a ginormous shout-out to the event hosts, competition organizers, and planning contributors without whom this month could not have happened. You all are amazing, thank you from the bottom of my heart <3
And now, a Talent Ball recap : D
We started the evening with a new game of "Speedchat Charades" : D Paprika used speedchat and we had to guess what she was describing Next we moved to the Coliseum for a Talent Show! Participants could share their inspirations for their ball fashion looks and display a skill, story, skit, etc. from their talent
You didn't know Fabc water talents could turn into ice cubes did you?
Nora shared a flaptastic fable that she wrote
Margo and Pap collaborated to share a story of Pap's first kitchen job
Harmony and Juno displayed hidden acting talents in the form of a hilarious interactive skit xD
Juno then revealed an additional humor talent and entertained us with a comedy act
Finally we toured the hollow with a scavenger hunt
After finding items in the main meadows we moved on to a speedround realm exploration
And then finished with a handful of challenges
Juno found the most items & locations, completed the most challenges the fastest, and as a prize will be running this week's FCF speedround
And of course, the final Talent Month Mad Lib
Thank you to everyone for coming, it was so nice flying with all you lovely pixies who were able to attend!
FCF will be back to its normal weekly schedule starting this Friday, September 2nd, 8:30pm EDT
Be sure to keep an eye on the Pixie Postings Calendar to stay up to date with events. Thank you for your patience with the main page still being under construction, some time had to be temporarily reallocated to organizing Talent Month but updates are still on their way!