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Nyra's Frozen Grotto [Bookmark] [Copy] [RSS]


3. Nyra's Moment of Honor

Viewed 507 times2022-11-3 02:38 |Personal category:Nyra's Story

     The Sun began to dip toward the horizon as Nyra flew over Sunflower Gully. This heat was almost too much for him, but as long as he didn't stay too long, Nyra would be fine. Her flight home was interrupted by a shrill noise. Nyra descended beneath the canopy of flowers to find the source of the noise. Nyra was delighted when she saw the furry face of a field mouse looking up at her, but her smile quickly faded as she looked more closely at the creature.

     The mouse was laying on it's side, shuddering with large, heaving breaths. It's chin was wet with an unending stream of drool. Nyra landed gingerly and walked calmly towards the mouse. He whispered, "It's okay, I'm here to help you," as he placed his hand on the mouse's head to pet it. Nyra was definitely not an animal talent fairy, but when she felt how warm it was, she knew the mouse was overheating. Nyra started flying towards Havindish Square, but stopped as he realized he couldn't leave the mouse alone in this heat. Carrying the mouse all the way there proved to be equally impossible, so Nyra set it down on a sunflower to give it something soft to lay on.

     Nyra began to form a snowflake in his hands, and let it drift down with the breeze to the mouse. Nyra picked up speed, making another snowflake, and another, and another. Soon there was a gentle flurry swirling around the mouse's straining form. If Nyra had simply blanketed the mouse in frost, she would have made the mouse cool down quicker. However Nyra didn't want shock it with an extreme temperature shift, so cooling it slowly over time would have to suffice. Nyra stayed with the mouse, cooling it down as the sun beat down on him. His wings were starting to slow as a light fairy passed by. "Send help!" Nyra wearily shouted. The fairy gasped and rushed off to bring back animal talent fairies. Just when a group of animal talent fairies flew to the mouse, Nyra's eyes fluttered closed and he began to plummet towards the ground.

     Nyra lazily opened her eyes and saw he was laying in a hollow of sorts. A healing talent sparrowman flittered into Nyra's vision and placed a hand on him. The sparrowman gently said "Don't strain yourself. You've been out of it for a day, and you still need to recover before you get up." Nyra groaned as her head throbbed. "What happened?" The sparrowman brought am acorn cup to Nyra's lips, and explained, "You passed out from over heating while protecting a field mouse in the Summer Glade." Nyra eagerly drank the cool water offered to her as the Sparrowman continued. "The fact that you had been creating snow helped keep you cool enough to avoid a heat stroke, so you should make a full recovery." Nyra's eyelids grew heavy listening to the sparrowman's voice, and she drifted back to sleep.

     When Nyra awoke again, he was surprised to see not only had it become dark outside, but also that the room was being lit up by Queen Clarion. She was facing away from Nyra, looking out the window at Pixie Hollow's night life. Nyra sat up in her bed and yawned. Queen Clarion turned to face Nyra and asked, "How are you feeling?" It took a moment for Nyra to find his voice, but he replied, "I feel okay." The Queen smiled. "That is wonderful. I am here to thank you. That mouse would have died if you had not kept it cool long enough for the animal talent fairies to save it." Nyra rubbed his eyes and said, "Yeah of course, I couldn't leave that little guy out in the burning heat." "At great risk to yourself," Queen Clarion amended, "Which is why I am granting you the title of Honored Pixie. You showed compassion, reliability, and selflessness: Qualities that make Pixie Hollow the amazing place that it is." Nyra bowed his head and said, "Thank you, Queen Clarion." The Queen asked "Is there anything you need while you continue to recover?" Nyra thought for a moment and answered, "I'm actually a little hungry, could I have some Acorn Cookies?" The queen chuckled and looked out the window. "There is still light in Dulcie's bakery. I'll send someone to pick those up for you. Rest well, Nyra." The Queen floated out the door as Nyra laid back down.

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