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Nyra woke up jittery with nervous excitement. Her first year in Pixie Hollow came and went and it was finally time for the Ministers to reveal which Winter fairies and sparrowmen to journey to the Mainland. Nyra desperately wanted to be one of them. He got out of bed and put on his best clothes, crafted from crocus and reticulated iris, which bloom in Winter. She combed her hair thoroughly from her icy white roots to the raspberry red ends. Once he was satisfied, he donned a simple crown of crocus and flew out the door. Nyra joined the crowd of Winter fairies and sparrowmen gathering at the Winter Hall. Idle chatter filled the air as everyone waited for the doors to open. Nyra felt her stomach clench with anticipation, and perhaps a lack of breakfast. He silently made plans to stop by Dulcie's after this. A warm serving of acorn cookies would be perfect for celebrating being chosen, or commiseration if he has to stay in Pixie Hollow. That thought made Nyra's nerves worse, but before she could dwell on it, the frozen doors to the Winter Hall opened for everyone waiting outside.
As everyone hurried inside, and waited eagerly. After a few moments, the Ministers appeared at the top of the Staircase. One stepped forward and began to read from a long list of names. As the Minister got close to the end of the list, Nyra began to lose hope. Suddenly she heard among the names "Nyra Moonglimmer." Nyra's nerves released and he beamed with Pride. After the Minister finished and left the hall, everyone began to file out. Nyra happily flew into the Spring Valley towards Dulcie's Kitchen. She brought the cookies back to her house at the Chilly Falls, and spent the day celebrating and preparing for tomorrow. The Next moring before sunrise, Nyra gathered with everyone to fly to the Mainland. The Ministers counted to three and they took to the sky. Flying across the ocean with the others, Nyra dropped from the group and danced along the surface of the water. As the fairies and sparrowmen continued, the sky became cool with the crisp winds of Fall.
As land came into view, Nyra flew up to rejoin the group. The Ministers divided the fairies and sparrowmen into groups, and sent them in all directions. Nyra, group was sent into an evergreen forest. The tall pine trees were interspersed with infrequent maples and oaks, each in a beautiful shade of red or orange. The forest floor was decorated with fallen leaves and growing mushrooms. Nyra focused on the air around her and felt it grow cold at her whim. She raced along branches with an outstretched hand, and fractals of ice grew outward. On his fivth tree, Nyra spotted the Winter animal talent sparrowman that was directing a white dove with a woven basket on its back. Nyra knew that this basket held the snowflakes she had spent the year creating. Nyra landed on a frozen branch and waited to see the display of his hard work. The Sparrowman spoke to the dove and pulled a latch on the basket. Out poured a flurry of delicate snowflakes. as the animal talent fairies and sparrowmen around the forest began to release the snowflakes, the forest was coated with a blanket of white. Nyra smiled, and he took in the beauty of Winter.
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