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An Introduction

Viewed 842 times2019-6-21 00:38

Hello everybody!
I'm Crystal. Since this is my first blog post, I thought I'd tell you all a little bit about myself.
First, I'm an INFP. However if you want to learn anything about me, (I don't know why you would but do whatever I guess), looking up INFP's is not the way to go. Most descriptions of this personality type portray us as flighty, somewhat absent minded, and starry-eyed optimists. I am none of those things, but apparently I am an INFP nonetheless. 
Second, I like writing stories and poetry. I am an aspiring author, and I like to flatter myself that I'm pretty good. (Most of the time anyway)
Fourth, I like skipping numbers when I make lists.
Fifth, I actually hate making lists. Especially if it's a list of things I have to do.
Sixth, I like putting things in parenthesis. (Have you noticed?) 
In conclusion, if you even read this I am extremely thankful. I'm so happy to be a part of the fabc community, and I hope to get to know you guys a lot better!


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