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Hot 1Viewed 1544 times2017-9-17 03:28 | about, about me, introduction

This... is incredibly late xD  No, I'm not new here, I've joined this place back in October 7, 2016 x3  I've just been slacking on an introduction xD  So, here's a proper one!

I give myself the nickname Snow, though my real name is closer to the name Niko. I'm just a boring girl who has a lot of imagination xD If I had it my way, I'd much rather lie in bed and play video games all day -w-  Ummm, let's start off with why I'm here!

I first heard of the original Pixie Hollow through those Disney Channel commercials advertising them. I remember I made a lot of fairies, so much so that I can't really remember them all because I was just a child back then and I didn't really care about my fairy's name for some reason. All I remember is making a water fairy named Jessamine, and a light fairy named Twilight. When I was a kid, like 6-10, I used to play Pixie Hollow a lot. The collection of ingredients, changing hairstyles and clothes, quests, games, I loved it all. Then, for a while, I think I may have stopped playing it because I think I may have forgotten all about it one day. That is, until I was 13, when I decided to play it again for a little bit to relive those childhood memories. I did not play as often as a 13-year-old, though. I regret that I didn't play it enough. Same age, months from now, I never saw the announcement that Pixie Hollow was shutting down until it was too late. The one time I wanted to play again, after a while of realizing I hadn't played for a while, I searched up the Pixie Hollow website... Only to see the message about that it got shut down months ago. I was devastated, and I still regret it to this day that I haven't played it enough... I wish I could've payed more attention to the place when I was a kid... I felt at this point that my childhood was slowly coming to a close. (Fun fact, the thing I consider the official end to my childhood was when Disney Channel changed their logo.)

One random day, I remembered that Pixie Hollow was gone forever and how I wished it would be brought back to life... I so desperately wanted it to come back. I searched on YouTube for some Pixie Hollow videos, until I stumbled across multiple videos that said that Pixie Hollow was back on somewhere called FairyABC. I was surprised at first. Is...Is this really happening? It's...back? So, I made an account and now we're all here! ^-^ I love this place so much.. I'd like to thank everyone who worked on this for making my childhood memories alive again <333  I really hope more features will be added soon ^-^   Like pets, quests, games, wilderness adventures, the leaf journal being exactly like the leaf journal in the original game with all those features like the badges and talent levels, and pixie profile pages (like and and (I especially thought the addresses were a nice touch!)

Sooo, there ya have it! That's why I'm here  ^^  Umm, let's see.. More about me? Ummm... I'm a kinda shy, but I'm super fly~ As in, I'm quite shy due to social anxiety disorder AND general anxiety disorder, but I'm trying my best to be more friendly ;w;  I am extremely polite to everyone I know ^^ The outside world thinks of me as cold, unfriendly, tight-lipped, and creepy but, really, does someone as cute as me really look all that threatening? Hahah.. Yeah, people IRL have told me that I'm creepy for whatever reason. But I mean no harm. I'm a major pacifist and I'm very empathetic towards people's feelings <3

Ummm, some of my likes are already listed in my profile xD Soo, I'll talk about my dislikes here: Spiders, hot weather, bullies, mean people, being betrayed, waking up early, most spicy food, jumpscares, firm beds, sleeping in hotel rooms (I can never get comfortable since most of the time, the mattresses aren't soft enough @_@), and sudden loud noises (ESPECIALLY when I'm thinking deeply about something. It's very easy to scare me with a loud noise when I'm thinking deeply about something. You'll usually tell when I'm thinking deeply about something when I'm just staring off into space and not moving.)

Okay, time for more random facts!:
Favorite color: Indigo
Favorite band: Fall Out Boy and Evanescence
Favorite Pokemon: Froslass
Favorite Eeveelution: Sylveon (that is, unless, a Ghost-type Eevee ever gets announced OwO)
Favorite Pokemon type: Ghost (I have an entire ghost team I set up xD)
Favorite Pokemon generation: Generation 4
Favorite game: Undertale
Favorite anime: Black Rock Shooter
Favorite foods: Mac and cheese, cheeseburgers, steak, cookies, cheesecake, popcorn. chicken tenders, chicken nuggets
Favorite animal: Sharks

If you want a basic rundown of my entire personality, my personality is literally Ichimatsu Matsuno from the anime Osomatsu-San all the way, through and through. Other people who relate to me include Tomoko Kuroki (Watamote), Mizore Shirayuki (Rosario + Vampire), Mikan Tsumiki, Makoto Naegi, Kyoko Kirigiri, Toko Fukawa (all from Danganronpa), Blake Belladonna (RWBY), Fluttershy (MLP:FIM), Merida (Brave), Elsa (Frozen), Twyla, Spectra (both from Monster High), Ruby, Peridot, and Lapis Lazuli (all from Steven Universe). I have a lot, I know, ahah. This is what ya get for being so empathetic. I have A LOT more characters that relate to me, but this is just a basic rundown.

Sooo.. hope that gives y'all a clear picture more about me x3  I love you all so much, thank you so much for reading, be sure to like, subscribe, pledge to me on Tad.... hahah, I'm kidding, I don't like forcing people to do that stuff xD  Anyways, still, thanks for reading and remember it's always okay to MCFREAKIN LOSE IT with me x3

i don't care





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Reply Jasper 2017-9-18 11:11
Better late than never! Glad you found FairyABC ♥

facelist doodle Doodle

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