Lavender-Marie Post time 2017-4-6 00:56:39

Editor Abilities?

Editors have the ability to ban people and edit the website, but are we allowed to use these powers? Or do we still have to report people through the report center? I'm not sure what we're allowed to do(or not allowed to do), so I just wanted a clarification.

Fzrasu Post time 2017-4-11 06:29:12

yes   you can ,but we don't ban people ,use mute instead .if its not a big issue ,send private message   warn instead off mute

Fzrasu Post time 2017-4-11 06:29:12

yes   you can ,but we don't ban people ,use mute instead .if its not a big issue ,send private message   warn instead off mute

Dawn Post time 2017-4-11 07:07:44

Its always a good idea to have as much proof as you can get (screen shots etc) to help your case of muting a member.

PrincessKawaii Post time 2017-4-24 07:57:26

Thanks for clarifying this since I meant to ask for a while now....I wasn't sure if I'd be allowed to use my allmighty -jk- power of mute/ban till now. And of course I always warn first, publicly if it's in-game and then if the person won't stop I private-whisper to them to warn them again...But people usually just say: Juniper's a mod she can ban you if you don't stop....Which isn't quite true but it works and so they stop xD
( To make things clear I never claimed to be a mod I always said I had only mod-like priviliges.)
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